There are several categories on this blog. Please see my sidebar for the others.
I add blogs when I have the time and if I have forgotten any and you would like me to add yours, please let me know by dropping me a comment on my main blog (link above). I promise you I do not ignore anyone. I just run out of time and memory (the old brain box is not what it used to be). The comment feature is not turned on here as it is purely for visitors to enjoy other blogs.
Alternatively, if there are any blogs that are no longer active, I will catch up and delete eventually. It takes a while for me to do that. If, however, they remain open for all to see even though there are no updated posts, it is still fun to browse through them.
I have started adding the hosts and location where each blog is from, when available. I wish the idea had come to me sooner, but I will add them when new or revisiting blogs when the information is provided - sometimes it isn't.
The blogs immediately below are not alphabetical. However, those on the longer list are. I tend to make additions as I find them. Then eventually I alphabetize, though I am slow doing this lately. Very slow in fact. It gives me a chance to visit the new blogs frequently for a while. Please click on each one which will take you to that blog.
Bald Hiker, founded by Paul Steele in 2010, started life as a personal travel blog showing the walks and hikes he was taking around the world. A way to show what he was seeing and feeling.
Over the years it has grown into a vibrant well read and shared site. Friends he has met and conversed with all over the world have joined him in sharing their stories and now the website is filled with not just walks and travel, but stories from all walks of life from all over the world. You can today also find food and drink, places to stay, tech gadgets, fashion and clothing. Pieces on nature and animals from all corners of the globe. A place where you can experience our personal views on the places we’ve visited, from idyllic beaches, great hikes, to wonderful accommodation, our personal reviews on tech and kit we use, and of course the food we love…
All the above to be filed at a later date.
Kay's Photoblog - Canyon Country, California, USA -
Closed in 2015 but still open for browsing.
5 Minutes for Mom - Susan and Janice
8&Ruth - last post was on May 19th, 2015 but still open
A Bit of Blarney - Cath, San Francisco, CA, USA
A Colorful World - Marie in Arizona, USA
Acornmoon - Valerie in Cheshire, England
A Creative Harbor - last post July 11th, 2017, but still open.
A Day of Small Things - Annapolis, Maryland, USA
Adelaide and Beyond - Dianne from Australia
Adventures Before Dementia - Diane, Brisbane, Australia
Adventurings - Cynthia, an American living in the Czech Republic
A French Garden - Amelia
A Full-time Life - Sallie in Florida, USA
A Garden Wench - last post July 8th, 2016 but still open
A Geriatric Grandmother - Mimsie from Hamilton Hill, WA, Australia
A Guide to Northeast Gardening - the south shore of Long Island, New York, USA
A Journal of Days - Leonora in Fincastle, Virginia
A Joyful Cottage
A Hebridean in New Zealand - GB, spending the summers in both Scotland and New Zealand
Alchemy of Clay - Barbara in North Carolina, USA
All Creatures Big and Small - Joo from Upper Silesia, Poland
A Little Piece of Me
All of Nature - Minnesota, United States - last post August 14th, 2017 but still open.
All Things French - France - last post January 30th, 2017 but still open.
Al's Photography Blog - Colorado, US (originally from London)
Amazing Australian Adventures
Amish Stories - last post July 26th, 2015 but still open.
Amish Photos by Bill Coleman - still open.
An Arkies Musings - Richies in Mena, Arkansas, USA
Ana White, Homemaker - a great do-it-yourself blog - Alaska, USA
Andi's English Attic - last post September 16th, 2016 but still open
An English Travel Writer
Andrea in this Lifetime
Angie in Yanchep - last post May 22nd, 2017 but still open.
Anna Pearl's Attic - Sherone in Wyoming, USA - old blog
Anna's Pear's Attic - new blog
A New Day Dawns
Anne's Creative Cornucopia - Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA
Another Bird Blog
Antigoni's Diary - Greece - last entry 2013 but till open
A Quiet Life - (Carolyn's old blog (View from the Castle) - Ireland
last entry January 12th, 2014 but still open
A Rich Tapestry
Around California - Martha Z from Lincoln, California - last post July 27th, 2013 but still open
Around Roanoke, VA (A Daily Photo)
Around the Bend - West Virginia - last post July 9th, 2015 but still open.
Art and Sand - Carol in California, USA
Art-e-facts: encounters with objects in museums
Katharine A, in London, UK - last post December 6th, 2015 but still open
Ash Tree Cottage - Susan and Bentley
At Home 'n About - Phoenix, Arizona, USA - last post as of this update (8-10-16) was on Wednesday, May 9th, 2012 but still open for browsing.
At Home with Gemma
At Riverside Cottage - Texas, USA
At the Farm - Gail, Melbourne, Arkansas, USA- last post January 31st, 2017 but still open
Auckland West - Paul in New Zeland - last post November 4th, 2017 but still open
Auntie Dogma's Garden Spot
Autumn Sky Ranch - Denise in the Central Coast of California, USA
A View from the Edge - last post December 22nd, 2013 but still open
Away for the weekend - Karen, New England, USA
Back2OurSmallCorner - Beverley and daughter D in Birmingham, England
Back Yard Biology - Minnesota, USA
Barbara at Whispering Photos - Caldwell, Idaho, USA - last post Saturday, April 27th, 2013 but still open to browse through.
Barnacle Goose Paperworks - Carol, Wamberal, NSW, Australia - last post Saturday, December 12th, 2015 but still open to browse through.
Battery Plant Database - USA
BBC Nature
Beautiful Brixham - Seagull Suzie, South Devon, England
Beauty Flows - Tammie Lee, Whitefish, Montana, USA
Beautiful Flower Pictures - Patty, a photographer in the USA
Beep's Blog - Canada
Bell of Peace, from Bali to the World - Gede Prama, Bali
Betsy's Photo Blog - Tennessee, USA
Betsy's Wildwood Christmas - Virginia, USA
Betsy's Wildwood Home - Virginia, USA
Beyond the Dog Dish
Beyond Zephyr - United States
Bfb's Outdoor Ramblings - Dave - East Cheshire, United Kingdom
bikesbirdsandbeasts - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Birding Across Texas - Webster, Texas, USA
Birding Is Fun - Ken - South Florida, USA
Birds Birds Birds and Birds
Birding for Pleasure - Margaret Adamson, Northern Ireland
Birds, Blooms, Book, etc. - Marcia in Maryland, USA
Birds from Behind
Birgitta's Photos - northern Sweden
Bitten by the photobug
Black Bear Blogs - Harry W. Brown from Harrisonburg, Virginia
Blackberry Lane
Blogging Basics 101
Blue Ridge Foothills and Lakes Chapter - Virginia Master Naturalists, Virginia, USA
Blue Country Magic - Virginia, USA
Blue Shell - India
Bluff Area Daily
Blue Jay Barrens
Blue Starr Gallery
Bob's Home for Writing - UK
born image photography - Deborah, Indiana, USA
Brattleboro - Vermont, USA
Breathe In...Breathe Out...
Brian King Images - Kentucky USA
Brenda's Arizona
Bridget at Me and My Photography - Australia
Brookville Daily Photo Posts
Bruce ruston's Blog - UK
Bug Guide
Bunny's Girl - Beverley from Ontario, Canada
Bush Bernie's Blog
Busy Bee Productions - Busy Bee Suz from Florida, USA
Buttons Thoughts - Grace (Buttons) from Ontario, Canada
Caligraphy in the View - Ruma from Saga, Japan
Camera Cruise
Captured on Film - Scotland
Caribbean Biodiversity - Maria
Carletta's Captures
Carmen's Chronicles
Carola bARTz - Northern California, USA
Carrie D. Photography - Maryland, USA
Carver's Sight or is that Site? - Blog now closed as of February 2014 - USA
Cashjocky's Photos
Cats, Dogs and Eiderdowns
Cat Tales - Georgia, USA
Cathy at Home - Australia - last post Friday, 13th May, 2016 but still open for browsing as of this update on 8-10-16.
Cathy @ Still Waters - Cathy's New Blog - The Foothills of the Dandenongs, Close to the Yarra Valley, Melbourne Victoria, Australia
cathy@home - Israel
Cathy@Still Waters - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Cedarmere Farm - Christa at Free Union, Virginia
Central Ohio Nature - Ohio, USA
Changes in the Wind - Arizona, USA
Changes in the Sun - Lisa in Texas, USA
Chateaubriant Daily Photo
Chateau Gudanes - An Australian couple renovating an old Chateau in the South of France
Christine's Blog - Christine in Ontario, Canada
Chronicles of a Country Girl
Christine & Her Camera - Christine in the United Kingdom
Cindy Dyer's Blog - country unknown
City Daily Photo
alphabetize later
Clay and Limestone - Gail, Tennessee, USA
Close Up and Personal Photography - Janice in Austen, Texas, USA
Codlinsandcream2 - Bovey Belle from Carmarthen, Wales, UK
Coffee on the Porch With Me - Ontario Canada
Coffee with the Hermit - Houston, Texas, USA
Come Away With Me - Sara, Southern California, USA
Comfort Spiral - Cloudia, Oahu, Hawaii, USA
Coming up close... - Amy in the Kaipara of New Zealand
Commonplace Beauty Photography
Barbara I. Hale, New England, USA
Commox Photo Blog - Stephanie, Comox, British Columbia, Canada
Connections More - Montrose, Pennsylvania, USA
Confessions of a Laundry Goddess - Susie, Houston, Texas, USA
Contented Naturalist, The - Jodi from Montgomery County, Maryland, USA - last post as of this update on 8-10-16 was Monday, March 21st, 2016 but still open for browsing.
Cornelly Culture
Cottage Tails - Leanne in New Zealand
Country Captures - South Central Pennsylvania, USA
Countryside Tales - Hamshire, United Kingdom
Count your Chicken! We're taking over!
Cowboys and Custard
Crafty Gardener - Linda in Ontario, Canada
Cranberry Morning - Wisconsin, USA
Craver-Vii - Bolingbrook, Illinois, USA
Cream of the Crop - Stewart, UK - last entry January 28th, 2013 but still open
Cranium Bolts - Bangalore, India
Curly Locks and Other Thoughts - Dr. Who Fan :)
Curious as a Cath - Cathy Tennessee, USA
Daniel's View
Dartmoor Ramblings - Em Parkinson in Devon, UK
Dawns bloggy blog - USA
Day One Photography - Fredamans, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Day's to Remember - Linda in Pennsylvania, USA
Deborah Jean's Dandelion House
Deb's Garden
Deckside Thoughts
Decor to Adore - Laura
Deep Canyon
Desert Canyon Living - Inger, California, USA
Desert Colors - Diane - Arizona, USA
Desert Horses - Cheryl Ann - desert Southwest, near Palm Springs, California, USA
Diane Cayton-Hakey - Virginia, USA
Dian's Timpanalley - Ruth in Lehi, Utah, USA
Diary of a Stay at Home Mom - Sandra - Texas, USA
Dina's City Wildlife Adventures - Florida, USA
Dispatches from Can of Duck - Sackville, Nebraska, USA
Donegal Wildlife
Donna's Designs
Down by the Sea - Dorset, England
Dragon's Eye
Draffin Bears-Little Bear Studio - New Zealand
Dust on the Nettles - Bovey Belle from Carmarthen, Wales, UK
Earth Shots
East Gwillimbury WOW! (Daily Photo)
Eclectic Red Barn
Efcubed Photography - Roger Dallman and Mark Segal - Virginia, USA
Eggs In My Pocket, A Needle In My Hand
Ekon-kuva jarinaa - Eko in Kuusamo, Finland
Elephant Child - Australia
Estelle's - Texas, USA
Eton College Natural History Museum - UK
Eva's Moodboard - country unknown
Everyday Everynight...Inspirations Happen....
Magda, Queensland, Australia
Everyday Life
Everyday Life Emporium - West Yorkshire, England
Explore Virginia Outdoors
Expressions Needed
Faith, Fabric and Photos - Mary in Evansville, Indiana, USA
Familiar Spirits
Family Trees May Contain Some Nuts
Far Side of Fifty
Field Biology in Southeastern Ohio - DenPro, Nelsonville, Ohio, USA
Field Notes and Photos - Steven Scott in Punta Gorda, Florida
FilzGarden - Kematen, Tirol, Austria
Flamingo K's Blogabout - Newport News, Virginia, USA
Florida Birder
Flower Pictures US
Food, Glorious Food and Life in General
Karen in Reno, Nevada originally from New Zealand
Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains - Tennessee, USA
Forrest Dreams - Central Florida, USA
fotography by felicia
Foto Gunnside
Four paws, etc. - Sandra in Florida, USA
Frankly My Dear.......
Freda's Voice - Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
French Laundry 132 - Sandy in the Charleston/Suburb, South Carolina, USA
From The Sol - Andrea
Frozen Moments - Bangalor, India
Fun in Fairfax VA
Furious Music from an Open Door - USA
Gardens and Wildlife - Snowbird in Liverpool, UK.
Garden Bulb Blog - Bridget
Garden Delights - Arija, South Australia
Garden Muse
Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
gbkoru - Gunilla Bach, Esbo, Finland
Genealogy Gems News
Geogypsy - Gaelyn's old blog but is still open. Thank you Gaelyn!
Georgia Girl with an English Heart - Conyers, Georgia (USA)
Gemma's "Greyscale Territory"
Gert Jan Hermus
Gigi's Blog
Gingersnaps - Caroline in the Black Hills of South Dakota, USA
Girl Unwinding
Glass, Eye and Heart
Good Things Happened - Lynn in Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Grace Olsson Fotograf - Sweden
Green Tomato - Tomoko in Japan
Grits and Giggles - Queensland, Australia
Gypsy Lala at Just capture - Singapore
Heather of the Hills - Southeast Ohio, USA
Henry Hartley ~ Here and There, Now and Then - Maryland, USA
heyBJK Outdoors
Hike DC Metro
His Prints Photography
Home Is Where The Heart Is - Southwestern Pennsylvania, USA
Hood Photography - from the Mt. Hood area in Oregon and beyond, USA
Hootin' Anni's
Hoosier at Heart
How to Blog - A Step-by-Step Guide
Huldra's liv og leven - Vestfold, Norway
Ibeati - Sandy's old blog but it is still open
I'D Rather-B-Birding - Anni, Texas, USA
Imagination - CarolAnn in Canada
Imagini din Delani (Images from Delani) - Romania
Impressions - Calendula, Germany
Improve Photography
In Love With Sunflower - Farida in the Philippines
In search if - Jeanne, Lake County, Illinoise, USA
It Just Comes Naturally - Scot, Mid Atlantic USA
It's A Beautiful Life - Brenda, Alberta, Canada
It's All About Purple - Debbie, New Jersey
It's A Small Town Life - Michelle in south central Kentucky, USA
It's A Strange Life
It's A Wonderful Movie -
i used to hate birds
I wasn't expecting this
Jane's Journal - United Kingdom
Jan n Jer
Xavi from Barcelona, Spain
J.Bigg's Life in Kentucky - Judy - Kentucky, USA
Jeanni's Art & Stuff - located in Teignmouth, England
last entry September 17th, 2013 but blog is still open
Jenn's Random Scraps - Southern California, USA
Jersey Photos - One A Day
Jimmy's Opinion -
John eos shooter - nature photography
John's Island - Seattle, Washington
Junk Boat Travels - Jackie - Toronto, Canada
Just Call Me Jo
Just capture... - Singapore
Just Fluttering Around - Marie Flutterby, Canada
Just Me Taking Photos - Campbelltown, NSW, Australia
Just Photos by Irene Romkes Horgen - Norway
Just Us
Handmade in Israel - Lisa in Israel
Kathy Goes a Ramblin'
Kauai Family Travel - Kauai, Hawaii, USA
Kay's Fotoblog
Keeping Up With The Jones Family
Kevin and Amanda
Kezzela 2
KidFriendly DC - a go-to resource for recreation with kids in the Washington DC-Metro area.
Knatolee's World - Eastern Ontario, Canada
Knitting Kat
Kubek - Greece
Larainy Days
Las Adventuras - Chris
Lavender Cottage - Innisfil, Ontario, Canada
Lavender Dreams
The mountains of North Carolina and the Sunshine State, USA
Lea's Menagerie - Mississippi, USA
Leave It To Davis
Lee May' Garden Life - a blog that is now closed but is such a wealth of information and its host has been kind enough to leave it open.
Lense Moments - great travel photographs by Minami San
Les Fous du Cap - The Cape Gannets
Let The Good Times Roll
Let Your Light Shine - Ginny, Waynesboro, Virginia, USA
Life According to Jan and Jer
Life After Money - North Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Life and Thyme - Pickering, North Yorkshire
(Life as we know it...) - Mike in Ohio, USA
Life at Golden Pines
Life in the Bogs
Life in the Carolina Mountains - Cheri Wildcatwoods, Carolina Mountains, USA
Light-in-a-Box - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Lilac Gate
Linda Gross Photography - Pennsylvania, USA
Linda's Lens - Linda, Portland, Oregon
Linda Making Photography
LindyLouMac's World in Photos
Linky Tools
Linky Tools Blog
Literary Journeys
Littlegoodall - Molly - North Texas, USA
Live in the Moment
Livert i Lia - Norwegian Blog near Drangedal
Living in Black Mountain, NC
Living in the Land of Oz - Lynda D, Australia
Living in Williamsburg - Darryl and Ruth, Williamsbug, Virginia, USA
Livin' It Up Country
Living Life on Main Street - Latane from USA
Llandudno Daily Pictures - Wales, UK
Loose Leaf Notes - Colleen from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, USA
Louisiana Belle - Gail from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Louisiana Naturalist - Shreveport, Louisiana, USA
Love That Image - Sara from Seattle, Washington, USA
Lovely Crafty Home
LPA Rebuild - Dublin Ireland
Lunch Break - Saint James, Trinidad and Tobago
Mad Snapper - Florida, USA
Magical Mystical Teacher - Sonoran Desert, USA
Magpie's Nest - Patty in Virginia, USA
Magnolia - Chip and Joanna Gaines, Waco, Texas
Magsx2's Blog
Maine: Lily Pond Reflections
Mammoth Lakes Daily Photo - Mammoth Lakes, California, USA
Mangia e Beve - Anne and Ed, Virginia, USA
Marci's Blog
Marina's Life and Family - Greece
Martha's Musings
Maschas Buch
Match the Pictures - New Jersey, USA
May Dreams Gardens - Carol in Indiana, USA
McGuffy's Reader - Ann, Great Lakes, USA
MC Images - Penzance, Cornwall, UK
Mersad Donko Photography - Mersad in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Melody Johnson - Hixson, Tennessee, USA
Midlands Birder - The Midlands, England
Mila's World Of Colours
Millie's Cozy Cottage - hosted by Debbie in Texas, USA.
Mille Fiori Favoriti - Pat in Colorado / New York, USA
Minoru's Photo Diary - Tokyo, Japan
Miss Mustard Seed - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania - Antiques and Home Decorating
Misty's Musings: My Dogs Keep Me Sane - Missouri, USA
Mixed Weather - Gemma, Melbourne, Australia
Mohave Journal - Laughlin, Nevada, USA
Mona's Picturesque - Helsinki, Finland
Monumental Thoughts - Washington, DC, USA
Mornington Peninsula Daily - Gemma, Melbourne, Australia
Murrieta 365 - California, USA
My Backyard - Celeste in Arizona, USA
My Family and other Cricketers
My Favorite Things - Debby Ray in Central North Carolina, USA
My Hot Pink Passport - Karisa, an American girl who likes to travel
My Iowa Garden
My Life in Charente - France
My Nature Photography - Umea, Sweden
My photos taken in and around the Forest of Dean
My Santa Fe - Kate
Myth and Moor - Dartmoor, Devonshire, UK
My Travelibrary Photos from Home and Away - located in Torquay
My Vintage Life - Meg from a small town in the Adelaide Hills in South Australia
My Woodland Garden - Sara in Eastern Finland
NatureFootstep Photography and Photo Art -
Katrineholm, Södermanland, Sweden
Nature Tales and Camera Trails
Neath My Heart - Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Neko Random - Spartanburg, North Carolina, USA
New Hampshire Garden Solutions - New Hampshire, USA
News from Indian Country
News from The "Pole" Yard - Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Nick's Bytes
Ni de Aqui, Ni de Alla - USA
Noke - Bernburg
Nomad, interrupted, Catbird in the USA
Non-Stop Birding - Peter Hackbridge, Greater London, UK
Normandy Life - Maggie, Normandy, France
Norsk Needlework: at Home - Cynthia Wasner
Northern Illinois Birder - Jon, Illinois, USA - last post dated Friday, June 14th, 2013 but still open for browsing, with very nice bird photography and identification.
Northwest Natural Moments
Oahu Daily Blog - Lisa in Kailua, Hawaii - last post was in 2013 but there are many beautiful photos on here to browse.
Old Rags - has not been updated for many years but is still open. Wonderful photos on costumes.
One Good Thing by Jillee
On the Trail with Mark, Mike and Tony - last post was August 16th, 2014 but still open.
Ook, she wrote - Jebediah, Hamburg, Germany - last post was January 26th, 2015 but blog still open.
Opening the Heart - Sao Paulo, Brazil - last post September 15th, 2019 but blog still open.
Orchid's Daily Voice - Miyako, Japan
Orvokki4you - Espoo, Finland
Out of his Mind - Bill, Pacific Northwest, USA
Our Little House in the Woods - Chy in Canada
Out and about in Cooloola - Australia - last post May 7th, 2017 but still open.
Out To Lunch With A Side of Laughter - Latane and Shirley, Mom and Daughter in Virginia, USA
Ozark Grace
Parched Paper and the Quill
Paris and Beyond - Genie, originally from Mobile, Alabama, USA
Paris Encore - Paris, France
Pat and Jerry - California, USA
Pat's Addition - Alexandria, Virginia, USA
Paying Ready Attention - Photo Gallery - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Pegplant - Gardening News, Resources and Plants in the VA, MD and DC Area
Penelope Puddisms: BC Life Is A Whale Of A Ride
Phamily blog - Anne in Northglenn, Colorado, USA
photo fun
Photogeography - Poland
Photo journey daily - India
Photographic Wildlife Stories in Hong Kong
Photographing New Zealand
Photography By Jane
Photos by Emilio - Southwestern USA, via Italy
Photos by Diane Xander - Florida Gulf Coast, USA
Photos by Jana
Photos by Mak - A Photography Blog
Photos from the Mind's Eye - Stewart from the UK
Pics & Pieces
Pics and Poems
Pictorial Reminiscence - Lee Anne, USA
Pieces of Contentment - Karen in Australia
Pierced Wonderings - Mississipi Gulf Coast, USA
Pixel Posts - Ontario, Canada
Playing With My Camera - Pamela, New Brunswick, Canada
Pluff Mud Perspectives - Cathy in Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Point and Shoot
Poems from Cuby - Truro, Cornwall, UK
Postcards - Mage in Ocean Beach, California, USA
Powell River Books Blog
Prescott Area Daily Photo - Judy, Prescott Valley, Arizona, USA
Princesa Nadi
Prunella's potters
Puffing the Pillows - Stacey, Texas, USA
Quirky Anonymous - Ginnia - South Africa
Raggedy Creations - USA
Rain's Garden - Laurentian Mountains in Eastern Canada
Ramblings of a Roachling
Ramblin' through Dave's Garden - Chantilly, Virginia, USA
Ramona's Home Place - Upwey, Victoria, Australia
Random Vintage Squares
Ramsey Daily Photo
R.A. Ranch Berskhires - Ryan
Raven Ridge Gardens - Christine, Trinidad, California, USA
Reader Wil
Recollections of a Vagabonde
Grew up in Paris, now living in the suburbs of Atlanta.
Red and the Peanut
Red-Shouldered Hawks of Tinsgrove and Beyond
Mary - Borowick Farms, Kentucky, USA
Retired and loving it - Chris in Ontario, Canada
Rivercrest Rose Garden - Denise in Carolina, USA
Roaming the Planet - Day trips around the Metropolitan DC Area
Roadtrek Girl - Traveling the USA
Rollercoaster Mum - Rebecca, UK
Romping and Rolling in the Rockies - KB Bear, Colorado, USA
Rose from Oz - North Queensland, Australia and Rose has a new blog which is:
Roses, Lace and Brocante
Rose Street Reflections - Amy, Alabama, USA
Rosyfinch Ramblings - South Florida, USA
Ruminations - USA
Rural Ramblings with Ruta
Rusty Duck - South West of England
Ruta's Ramblings-Notes from North Devon - Ruta, UK
Sacred Touches - Natalie
Sandy Straits and Beyond - Mick and Mash - South East Queensland, Australia
Santa Fe Daily Photo - Randy in New Mexico, USA
Saratoga woods and waterways - Saratoga Springs, New York, USA
Saucy Siciliana
Savicious Photography
Scene of Tranquility - Thomas from Klang (hometown Kuantan), Selangor, Malaysia
Scenes from A Slowmoving Train - Annie from Turlock, California, USA
Scene Through My Eyes - JoAnn from Bellingham, Washington, USA
Scenic Pictures
Scenic Weekends - Melbourne, Australia
Schmidleysscribbling - Diane, Virginia, USA
Seeing Beauty Photography
Seasons in the Valley
Senior Adventures - Linda in South Central Texas, USA
Senior Hiker
Senior Moments
Sexta-feira - Evi, a Greek lady living in the USA
Shades of Grey
Share my Garden - The southwest of England
Sharon's Paws Create
Sharon's Studio - freelance illustrator
Shey Wickland Photos - Texas, USA
Shine the Divine: Creativity is a Spiritual Practice
Shoot by Twiggy
Shooting My Universe
Shoey Photographer
Shrimpton and Perfect - Derbyshire, UK
Shutterbugs Capturing the World Around Us
Shy Songbird's Nature News
SichtBar - Pia - BW, Germany
Simfonia florilor - Ileana from Targoviste, Dambovita, Romania
Simple Sequins
Simply This - Arizona, USA
Sinbad and John Lee from Santa Rosa, California, USA
Sir Thomas of Sorbie - Indiana, USA
Small City Scenes of Stanford - Stanwood, Washington, USA
Small Kucing - Malaysia
Snap Happy Birding - Carole M. - Lake MacQuarie, N.S.W., Australia
Snap Happy Online - also as above, Carole M. - Lake MacQuarie, N.S.W., Australia
Snapshot: Day 366
So Adorable..
Something Interesting - Interesting places around the world
Southern DayDreams - Celstina Marie, Texas, USA
South Sky Photography
So What's Happening
Spare Parts and Pics - Southern California, USA
Spuds Daily Photo - Bill Nicholls, United Kingdom
Spuds Rural Explorations - Bill Nicholls, Oxfordshifre, UK
Stephen Tabone's Nature Photography - USA
Stephen L. Tabone Nature Photography - USA
Steve Creek, Wildlife Photographer - Arkansas, USA
Stitch Lines - Linda H., New Brunswick, Canada
Stone Cottage Adventures - Marci, North West Arkansas, USA
Strategic Shopping Network - Marlyn, Virginia, USA
Strawberry Jam Anne - UK
St. Nicholas and Christmas all year long - country unknown
Stuff and Nonsense
Summer Daisies - Summer
Sunny Day Today Mama
Sunny Side Up - Eve, USA - last entry March 10th, 2013 but still open
Sunshine for Pangaea - country unknown
Sweet Bay - North Carolina, USA
Sweethearts & Sweet Tarts
Sweet Nothings - BJ, Colorado, USA
Sweet Romantic Notions - Jefferson, Massachusetts, USA
Sycamore Canyon - Kathie, now living in New England, USA
last entry Thursday, May 2nd, 2013 but blog is still open.
Sycamore Canyon Birds - Kathie, now living in New England, USA - last entry July 20th, 2010 but blog is still open.
Sylvia From Over The Hill - the Northwest, USA
Tahiti Daily Photo - French Polynesia
Take 25 to Hollister - Hollister, California, USA
Taking Time For A Walk - Chesapeake, Virginia, USA
Tales from the Backroad - Mary and Al, USA
Tales from Twisty Lane
Tante Malis Gartenblog - Kärnten, Austria
Tatjanaparkacheva Photography
Tawny Moon Studio - UK
Tea in England
The Barely There Primitive Bear
The Beauty Around Us - Linda in Pennsylvania, USA
The Blessed Hearth - Faye Henry in New Brunswick, Canada
The Busy Bug - UK
The Clockhouse Chronicle
The Cool Hunter
The Cubby Poet - last entry Monday, May 7th, 2012 but still open
The Early Birder - Adam in Manchester, UK
The Freckled Rose - Angie Rose from New England, USA
The Farmer's Daughter - Cheryl, Missouri, USA
The Fishing Guy
The Flower Show Blog
The Free-Spirited Shutterbug - MJ, Canada
The Garden Diaries
The Garden-Roof Coop
The Gift of a Moment Captured with a Lens
The Glebe Blog - Newton Stewart, Dumfries and Galloway, United Kingdom
The Greatest of These is Love - Liz in Brisband, QLD, Australia
The Greenockian - Greenock, Inverclyde, Scotland
The Happy Wanderer
Ellen b. - Seattle and Southern California
The Hill House Diaries
The Joys of a Simple Life
The Last Visible Dog - Katherine, New Zealand
The Little White Cottage in the Woods
The Low Carb Diabetic - information and health news
The Main Ingredient
The Natural Web - Mary Anne Borge, New Jersey, USA
The Nature of Things - Dorothy, Texas, USA
The Run*A*Round Ranch Report
The Skoog Family Journal
The Smitten Image
The Tampa Bay Hiker - Florida
The View from Squirrel Ridge - Linda, Strasburg, Virginia
The Wicked Noodle - Aldie, Virginia, USA
Thick and Thin - Janey and Co, North Texas, USA
Thin spiral notebook - Florida, USA
This and That, Here and There - Linley S - Perth, Western Australia
This Is My Blog - Tom from Kent, Ohio, USA
this n that
Thistle Cove Farm - South Carolina
Through the Eyes of Tweedles - Molalla, Oregon, USA
Tickle Berty Moon - Saun in Ohio, USA
Tina's PicStory - Stuttgart, Germany
Today's Flowers
Tom the Backroads Traveller - USA
Traveling Bug - Kelleyn in Georgia, USA
Traveling Cats - Vanessa currently in Belgium
Travels with the Blonde Coyote - USA
Travels and Wandering
Travels with Birds - David in Ontario, Canada
Traveling Bug - Kelleyn, USA
Two Barking Dogs
Two Shutterbirds - Chris and Elisa, USA
Up North with Mel - Park Falls, Wisconsin, USA
Valley Shutterbug
Veronica Roth Common Magic
Versailles Daily Photo - France
Ventures - Gayle in Western Pennsylvania, USA
Vid Vatterns Strand - Sweden
Vienna Country Cove Work
Views from the Castle - old blog but still open - UK
Vilt og Vakkert (Wild and Beautiful) - Norway
Vintage Vixen - Vicky, Walsall, UK
Virginia Trail Guide
Wander Essence - another blog HERE - USA
Wandering Wren - Brit presently living in Australia
Weeding on the Wild Side - Hannah in the Pacific Northwest, USA
Weedy Acres Home - Marilyn, Kentucky, USA
Welcome To My Gallery
Welcome Words - Marty in Western Massachusetts, USA
We Love Luna
What Bird
What's In My Attic?
What We Keep
What will I tell my grandchildren? - Milton Keynes, Bucks., UK
What You Do Not Know About Me Because You Are Not Me
WheelingIt - Full Time RV'er's
When the bough breaks
Whimbrel Nature Blog - Elijah Goodwin, Falls Church, Virginia, USA
Why Click - Bangalore, India
Wilde About Birds - UK
Wild and Wonderful - Caroline in Suffolk, UK
Wild Sri Lanka
Wildlife Photography
Wishes and Dreams and Other Things - Ida from Walla Wall, WA USA
Women of History
Women Talk About Life - SweetMarie from Florida, USA
Worth a Thousand Words - California, USA
WP3 Photography - last entry May 11th, 2015 but beautiful photography to enjoy.
Write in Motion
Writer Cramps - Gattina from Germany but now lives in Brussels, Belgum
Writing in Faith - Sandy in Connecticut, USA Virginia Wildflowers
Veg Plotting - Michelle in Wiltshire, UK
Veronica Roth - Veronica's time is spent between the UK and Canada
Virginia Views - Virginia, USA
Visual St. Paul - Kate in St. Paul, Minnesota
Yogi's Den - Oklahoma, USA
Zen Through A Lens - A great bug blog
Zsa Zsa Bellagio